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Signing in

Signing in is easy: simply click on the "Sign in with Twitter" button on the top right. You will be redirected to twitter's site and asked for your username and password. Fill that out and click "allow" and you'll be logged into bugtwits.

If you don't have a twitter account, get one! Go to and click "Sign up".


In order to post on bugtwits, you must sign in at least once. You can post to bugtwits through the site,, or any of your favorite twitter apps. bugtwits responds to the caret character "^". If your post doesn't include "^", then it won't show up on the site. Please read the formatting guidelines section on the proper usage.

Formatting Guidelines

Single Caret "^"

To post a bug about a specific software, company, or other entity, use a caret "^" followed by the name of the entity. No spaces.


use: ^MacOS10.6
don't use: ^ Mac OS 10.6

use: ^Apple
don't use: ^ Apple

Why no spaces? First, with only 140 characters you can't waste them on spaces. Second, it'll help our software determine where your problem entity ends and you bug begins. You can place this anywhere in your post - we'll find it.

Double Caret "^^"

If you're not posting about a specific bug, but rather want to make a general point related to bugtwits, you can use a double caret "^^". This will ensure your comment is posted to the site.

You can place your double caret "^^" anywhere in your post, however, the preferred placement is at the very beginning.


You may be wondering which software name or other entity name to use when posting. We're currently building a database of names and references, but the general guideline for now is:

Use the name with the least characters

use: ^MacOS10.6
don't use: ^MacOSSnowLeopard

Use the most specific version name possible

use: ^MacOS10.6
don't use: ^MacOSX

Feel free to suggest reference names to us, so that searching through names is more robust.


This isn't a site to voice your complaints, but rather for you to give actionable suggestions. The best way to see what we mean is to look through the current posts.

Following and being Followed

The first time you log into bugtwits you'll notice two things:

1. You're now following bugtwits on twitter. Thank you.

2. bugtwits is now following you on twitter. You're Welcome.

Following bugtwits

So you're following us now. That doesn't mean that everyone's bug post will now be on your home screen - that would be annoying. What it means is that you'll be able to keep up to date with your friendly bugtwits admins. We'll only tweet about updates, changes, and other interesting things.

If you're tired of hearing from us, you can simply unfollow us by logging into your account on twitter. Although, we'd be sad to see you do that.

Being Followed

We're following you! Another follower - you're getting more popular. For bugtwits to work, we have to follow you so that we know when you tweet a bug. We grab that tweet and then post it on the site. Sure you can block us by logging into your twitter account, but then we won't post your bug.


Don't abuse. We'll block you. If you notice abuse, let us know.

Terms of Use

Oh, we have a whole page for this. Check the Terms of Use page.

More Questions

If you still want to know more, send us your questions. Check the Contact Us page to find out where to send them.

What is Bugtwits ?

Bugtwits is a socially-driven quality assurance application built on Twitter.

How do I use Bugtwits ?

Sign in with Twitter or create a new account.

Post about anything that interferes with a great user experience.

Important Tip: Just use a "^" in front of the product, service, or company that's bugging you. eg. ^iPhone, ^Facebook, appstore.

Vist the Help page for more info.